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Join date: Sep 9, 2022


Competitions and contests

Students take part in various competitions. This allows you to determine the level of their training, broaden their horizons in matters of choosing a subject, instill confidence in children, the desire to win, the ability to work in a team, and the desire to improve.

The problem of organizing the employment of students in their free time, during the holidays, summer vacations is being solved. Participants in such programs can gain more social experience, learn to act independently, and show creative and organizational skills.

Control system

The Pedagogical Council at controls the learning process, develops legal and methodological support.

This is expressed in the use of the following documents:

  1. Academic plan;

  2. Mandatory minimum amount of training material.

  3. Logging for each group.

Such control is necessary to improve the pedagogical process, create professional opinions and recommendations for the further implementation of the concept of additional education.

Main tasks:

  • Assess the state of the educational process, maintain students' interest in mastering knowledge;

  • To improve the responsibility of teachers for the quality of education and strengthening the creative potential of students;

  • Control the maintenance of documents.

Document control involves checking the correctness of filling out the journals and the implementation of training programs.

Postgraduate professional education

Successful graduation from a higher educational institution provides a solid foundation for a career. However, this is sometimes not enough. Having received valuable knowledge, yesterday's student is not always ready to immediately apply them in their activities in full. One example of such a situation can be the work of a doctor. In order to achieve a high level of qualification, it is necessary to obtain postgraduate education. In some professions, it is a prerequisite for conducting professional activities.


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